Friday, December 26, 2008

What IS "romantic" and does it always involve sex?

Selling your Harley to undo your vasectomy so your second wife can have a baby: not my choice but can definitely be considered romantic.
Selling your Harley when your best friend is going through a messy divorce and needs cash: also romantic? Or, that would never happen?
Learning how to make chicken soup from scratch because your boyfriend has a cold: romantic.
Learning how to make chicken soup from scratch because your best friend has a cold: also romantic?
Ballroom dancing: romantic.
Same-sex ballroom dancing: also romantic?
I guess I'm asking, if best friends can also make grand gestures of love for each other, and can also be there to show support and have fun together day after day, then doesn't the same word apply? If there's a different word, what is it?
Maybe I just don't see the logic in considering a certain action to be in a whole different category of behaviors or from a whole different set of motivations merely because you have sexual feelings for the recipient.
We all get older and end up not having sexual feelings for anyone for long periods of time, but does that mean a loving gesture isn't romantic?

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