Sunday, December 28, 2008

What if you gave each sexuality and gender its due consideration, and decided that primarily you're boy-crazy, and on top of that you're content with the female body of your birth: does that make you straight?
Even if you feel like you're in a closet around "real" straight people? (I have seen plenty of men who insist they're straight, but when you examine their behavior, it becomes clear they really don't like women's bodies much at all. And vice versa.)
And yet gays don't accept you because you don't know enough to fit yourself into their quaint little categories.
It's like everyone decides they have to take on a sexual identity, gay or straight, so they can know who they're supposed to be friends with and what their politics are going to be and what they're going to watch on TV. And then they let that control who they have sex with. Weird.

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