Monday, December 1, 2008

UGO: Are you familiar with the phenomenon of “Slash Fiction?”

WS: Slash?

UGO: It’s a sub-genre of literature, if you will, that was created, in a way, because of Captain Kirk. It comes from the phrase “Kirk/Spock.” Or “K/S”. It’s people who write their own fan versions of the show. And that’s fine...amateur writers having a good time. But of course there’s always some who take it to a prurient level. And there is a whole subdivision of love stories between Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock. And it’s expanded to everything with rabid fanbases. Harry Potter or, heck, the Simpsons. Have you ever heard of this?

WS: I’ve never heard of the word “slash,” but I have heard of the writings. And I think it’s basically wish-fulfillment. I think the fans see themselves in the hypothetical erotic behavior.

UGO: So, what are you doing this holiday season?

interview with WS

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